Sleep paralysis change
As most of you might have read, under the "pages" I have added a post about sleep paralysis and the effects I have with it. I wanted to share with all of you something different that happened to me the night before last. This is not a bizarre dream, but still something I wish to share. I was falling asleep, with a bad stomach as I've had a stomach bug for the past week, while trying to fall asleep I placed in fetus position to the right, as I normally sleep, all of a sudden it happened. The pressure down, the not able to move, the kick in of panic as I knew I wasn't sleeping and only seconds ago I was getting comfortable. It felt like five minutes before I could move, I started breathing heavily which helps me to calm down and wait until everything passes. I moved, I knew what just happened, so I tried to relax and fall asleep. I positioned myself face down, hugging the cushion, and it happened again. This time not as sever as before, but still unable to move, all...